Taurus Lucky Lottery Numbers for Today and Tomorrow

Taurus Lucky Lottery Numbers

Taurus Lucky Numbers for Today

(May 14, 2024)

  • 3
  • 26
  • 41
  • 10
  • 23
  • 2

Taurus Lucky Numbers for Tomorrow

(May 15, 2024)

  • 21
  • 8
  • 4
  • 43
  • 2
  • 44
Next Draw

Friday, May 17, 2024

ZAR 43 Million
  • days
  • hours
  • minutes
  • seconds
Last Powerball Draw Results

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

  • 4
  • 9
  • 39
  • 41
  • 44
  • 19
ZAR 38 Million

Steps in the process of identifying Taurus lucky numbers include:

  • Identifying the numbers known to be lucky for the current year.
  • Looking at recent data to find hot numbers for certain lotteries.
  • Because celestial bodies affect the luck that numbers carry, our astrology experts look at the position of planets that are relevant to Taurus, such as Mars.
  • Numbers change on a daily basis, because we include numerology principles that are relevant for a specific date.

We use software to analyse all the data and compile a list of numbers most likely to bring you luck on a specific day, for a certain lottery.


Take note that using our list of Taurus lucky lottery numbers does not guarantee you a lottery win. We simply suggest this as a lottery strategy based on factors like astrology. It can make it easier to pick sets of lottery numbers but all lotteries are games of chance, so this information should not be seen as a promise of the outcome of any draw.


Why Should You Use Your Taurus Lucky Numbers?

Whether you believe in everything related to horoscopes or not, there are reasons to try out your Taurus lucky numbers the next time you buy a Lotto, Powerball or other lottery ticket. The numbers can play different roles in different strategies:

  • For players who believe in luck, know that your Taurus lucky numbers for this day and week carry the most potential of turning you into a winner.
  • The numbers are a quick reference guide, so you don’t need knowledge about astrology to figure out lucky numbers yourself.
  • If you’re pressed for time but don’t want to miss out on playing a certain lottery, lucky numbers are your quick solution.
  • Not all players trust Quick Pick options, but picking your own numbers may be too overwhelming. Your star sign’s lucky numbers is a practical option and if you want to buy multiple tickets you can also use additional tools like a Mega Millions number predictor.
  • If you want to try out a lottery wheeling system, your lucky numbers provide a set of numbers to start with.

All lotteries are games of luck, but enjoy the feeling of having some control, even if the odds are stacked against you.

Can the Zodiac Help Taurus Win a Lottery?

Any horoscope is only a prediction, not a guarantee. When playing the lottery, the results are random, so you should manage your expectations when playing the lottery. It may take a few tickets before you get your first big prize. But, the more you play the better your chances to become a winner.

Also, if you’re using lottery strategies or lottery pools to help you win the lottery, Taurus lucky numbers are a practical starting point for planning tickets’ number sequences.

How to Play Lottery with Your Taurus Lucky Numbers

Not only are your Taurus lucky numbers associated with having some luck, but it also paves the way for more fun ways to play lottery tickets. Use this summary to become comfortable incorporating them into your lottery playing strategies.

Use provided numbersIf a lottery requires the exact number of digits that carry luck for Taurus, use them as is. Tick them on the slip in store, or select them on a number grid on an online platform like Lotto Agent.
  • Taurus’ general lucky numbers are 6 and 51.
  • Use them first and fill up the rest of your ticket with other digits, whether random ones, or lucky numbers for that specific day.
Add them upYou may need more numbers to fill a ticket or to buy multiple tickets with different number sequences. Adding digits together to form new numbers means your tickets will still be linked to the original numbers’ luck.
  • Taurus lucky numbers for a day are 2, 4, 11, 16, 30.
  • Start filling a ticket with these numbers.
  • Add digits of lucky numbers together, such as 2 + 4 = 6. This will leave you with 6, 15, 27 and 46.
  • You can also add the first number to all other numbers, to get this set: 2, 6, 13, 18 and 32.
  • If a number is higher than what’s available in the number pool, add the digits together to form a new number. For example, 46: 4+ 6 = 10.
  • Use these new sets of numbers on tickets and mix them all together if needed.
Using dates as a strategySchedule your lottery tickets for days associated with your lucky numbers.
  • Lucky number: 6
  • Always buy your tickets on dates containing 6, such as 6th, 16th and 26th.
  • Buy tickets for draws taking place on dates containing a 6.
  • Write down multiples of 6 and also play on these days, such as 12th, 18th and 24th.
Use lucky numbers in lottery strategiesMake Taurus lucky numbers the starting point in wheeling systems
  • Write down your lucky numbers along with other numbers you want to use in the wheeling system.
  • Follow the wheeling system guidelines to create number sequences from this set of numbers.
  • Your lucky numbers will be spread across all the tickets you purchase.
PatternsLet your Taurus lucky numbers guide you in how to make a pattern on a number grid
  • Decide which pattern you’ll use. It can be a line, star or other shape.
  • Pick the starting point by selecting a lucky lottery number.
  • Create the shape or pattern.
  • If playing more than one ticket, use your next lucky number as the next starting point.

Play Lottery with Your Taurus Lucky Numbers

Source: Lotto Agent

What are the Luckiest Lotteries that Taurus Should Play?

Use your star sign lucky numbers while other aspects of your personal horoscope guide you in decisions during your lottery ticket planning. You would be surprised how your horoscope details correlate with today’s leading lotteries, from Daily Lotto in South Africa to Europe’s EuroMillions. For one thing, certain games will be luckier for you than others.

Here are the lotteries you should be focusing on based on your star sign facts:

  • SA Powerball: The draws take place on Tuesdays and Fridays and both these are lucky weekdays for a Taurus.
  • SA Lotto: 6 is always lucky for Taurus players and this lottery requires six numbers to win its jackpot. Such coincidences are often simply the stars working in your favour.
  • US Powerball: In addition to requiring six numbers (your lucky number) to win a jackpot, some draws take place on your lucky weekdays. Simply pick the right draw to buy a ticket for.

What are the Characteristics of Taurus?

Taurus players appreciate having a good time and this lighthearted approach to life can help you enjoy lotteries and not take it all too seriously.

These individuals are also very patient and pragmatic. They’re independent so you’re not likely to find them in a syndicate. This is unfortunate, because it could be a resource that leads you to a jackpot win one day. It will be smart to reassess your approach to lotteries and see if you can find new ways to utilise resources, from lucky numbers to lottery pools.

Taurus Characteristics that Will Help You with the Lottery

It’s always possible to improve your lottery playing, but any Taurus already has a lot going for them. Can you identify the following personality traits in yourself and start using it to your benefit when you buy your next lottery tickets?

Character traitHow it helps you play the lottery
PatientYou’ll keep playing even if you don’t win a prize with your first few tickets.
IndulgingUse your love for pleasure and indulgence as motivation to play more and go for the big jackpots like US Powerball.
SoothingYou can keep others calm, such as ensuring your lottery pool maintains a positive mindset no matter the outcome of a draw.
AmbitiousYou want more out of life, so use all resources possible to achieve life goals. That includes getting more cashflow in the form of lottery prize money.

What Numbers Should Taurus Avoid?

Most numbers are safe to use if you’re a Taurus, but it’s best to avoid these:

  • 3 which is a symbol of instability
  • 8 relates to financial loss in certain contexts

Keep these in mind when you use your Taurus lucky numbers to create new numbers for tickets. If any of these appear on the list, you should consider replacing them. To play it really safe, also think twice before using multiples of these numbers. Unless you know it explicitly carries some luck for you, rather skip it.

Taurus Lucky Days and Dates to Play the Lottery

Here’s another way your star sign can impact your lottery playing. Each zodiac sign actually has certain days of the week and month that are luckier than others. A Taurus should plan lottery ticket buying to incorporate the days shown below. Either buy your tickets on that day, or buy for a draw that takes place on such a date.

Taurus Lucky Days of the WeekTuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Taurus Lucky Dates in the Year3rd, 5th, 22nd of any month

Remember, your main lucky number is 6, so you can always pick dates that contain this digit if you’re looking for more opportunities to play throughout the month.

Final Thoughts

As a Taurus you have a fun side, but also like a stable approach to life. That’s perfect for lottery playing as you can enjoy the game while always implementing guidelines for responsible gambling.

Using our list of Taurus lucky lottery numbers, you can bring some stability to how you plan your upcoming tickets, as you know the numbers you use carry optimal luck for you. Perhaps you prefer that to a completely random approach?

Don’t forget to indulge your fun side though, and also try out Quick Picks and online tools like a US Powerball number generator. They all have the potential to make you a winner in a game of chance.

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In general, Aries can expect to have luck with numbers 6, 7 and 9. Especially the number 6 can attract good fortune and ensure financial security, making it wise to incorporate it into some of your lottery tickets’ number sequences.

Yes, as a Taurus you have patience to keep playing multiple times without getting despondent about not yet being the next jackpot winner. One day your diligence will pay off.

In the meantime you can use your love for an organised approach to life to help you also organise your lottery playing and tickets. You may enjoy a lottery strategy more than some other star signs do and thanks to being punctual, you’ll never miss a cut off time.

No, you have no guarantee that your Taurus lucky numbers will bring you a big jackpot or other prize. All lotteries are games of chance with random outcomes. Still, a lucky lottery number has just as much chance of being drawn, so it’s worth trying what astrology experts believe can be a game changer for your future.

There are lucky Taurus numbers for every day of the week, but it doesn’t have to be the only way you play the lottery. There are other effective strategies that also make lottery playing interesting and can influence your luck, especially when using a plan like joining a lottery pool. Switch between strategies so you never get bored, or use them all each time you play, so you can fill many lottery tickets, all with unique number sequences.

You have lucky numbers that will benefit you any day, such as the number 6 and 51. In addition, you’ll find daily lucky numbers that are useful for 24 hours and weekly and monthly numbers that can bring you luck for a longer period. Confirm the time for which a lucky number is relevant and use it for that period only, so you optimise your chances of striking it lucky.

You can use general lucky numbers for all today’s lotteries, whether local or international, such as a Greece Lotto game. We do suggest you use lucky numbers for lotteries that are seen as lucky for Taurus players. 

Some numbers are lottery-specific, so view the details of the Taurus lucky numbers on an online tool, whether it’s this page or a Lotto number predictor. Make sure which game it’s calculated for, so you don’t use the numbers in the wrong lottery.

Your ascendant doesn’t always have a direct impact on your set of lucky numbers. This aspect, your rising sign, is much more influential in how you approach lottery playing because it tends to affect a person’s personality.

However, for a Taurus, apart from your rising sign boosting your passion for an indulgent life, if Gemini turns out to be your ascendant, you can expect a bit more luck coming your way.

Taurus are lucky to have four days a week that attract luck, and these are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. If your budget only allows you to play on one of these, always pick Fridays as experts believe this to be the day of most luck for you.

It’s best not to try your luck on a Thursday as it doesn’t bode well for Taurus players. Also don’t spend your money on draws that fall on the 4th, 23rd or 27th of a month. Rather invest in tickets for different days.